Wednesday 15 May 2013

"Against the brute force and the cold indifference of power" by Amrit Wilson

This article was published by Pluto Press on 22/01/2013, shortly after the young student, Jyoti Singh Pandey was brutally raped on a bus in Delhi. Jyoti's rape and subsequent death led to massive protests across the country. Amrit Wilson asks critical questions about the devastating violence against women and protests in India:

"Will these protests now broaden out further, taking on board the rapes by the army and paramilitaries in states like Kashmir, Manipur, and Chhattisgarh where these rapists are protected by impunity laws? Will they confront the rapes by upper caste men of Dalit women? Or the rapes of Muslim women by those who are part of, or influenced, by the Hindy Right?" READ MORE

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